Wherever there is a working brain there is consciousness, and wherever there is consciousness there is a person.
And because of the solitary and personal nature of conscious experience, it demands equal respect.
The question is, how can this be carried out, and what is it that is practicable?
And so it's a question of practicability, although impracticability does not absolve one from guilt, or violations of respect.
For further explanation see below and the Animals Deserve Respect page.
As a part of mother nature, we (humans) naturally care about individual lives. It is because we have empathy – a recognition of another, and compassion. Empathetic recognition is a KNOWLEDGE OF THE OTHER. And the compassion that is spoken of here, is for the difficulty that is inherent within the state of being alive, a natural love of sorts. Compassion means: The knowledge of the suffering of another accompanied by a desire to relieve it.
This (the knowing of the other) is the foundation of moral relevance. And morality as a whole is about the protection of what is known and valued, a consciousness (being fair is in order to protect a consciousness). And within this “morality” there are moral rights (a right is a way of protecting an interest).
Other terms that we have as a result of this consciousness value is an Inherent Value (an end in itself), and Inherent Dignity (an inherent state of being, deserving of respect). And this is what both moral rights and legal rights are built from, it’s the foundation, and it’s the basis for the need for equality.
Some may be worried that the statement; the reason that humans believe that other animals matter is because humans have empathy and compassion, would mean that other animal’s value would be dependent upon whether humans cared. But empathy, as a form of knowledge, is about the other as real, and compassion is about what is known to be valuable (as mother nature has commanded it so through us). Knowledge and compassion work well together. Carnivores most naturally, don’t have compassion for gazelles, yet we forgive them for they know not what they do. --- Wayne Martin
Wherever there is a brain, there is consciousness, and wherever there is a subjective consciousness, there is a subject of a life; a who, not an it. And wherever there is a who, there is a life.
Consciousness is an inherent value that we call an inherent state of being, deserving of respect (inherent dignity). And the reason that we do that, is because we have empathy -- a recognition of another hardwired in the brain (via mirror neurons), along with compassion. And it is because of this value alone, because of it’s singular and personal nature, that anyone who has it, has it equally (such value and deservingness).
This state of being can only be respected by being afforded equal moral considerations and legal protections. A need for the legal protections of non-human animals comes from the human psychological recognition of the conscious state of non-human individuals, the potential for human disrespect of non-human individuals, and the potential for human disrespect of the mother nature that has created the human in this way.
The problem is that humans are currently, and thoughtlessly, taking actions that are disrespecting their own recognition of the consciousnesses of other animals. And then not inquiring into this counter-intuition and therefore not respecting their own recognition and values by not correcting their actions to respect such recognition. And so, as a consequence of this absurd thoughtlessness, egregious harms are being done to non-human individuals. --- Wayne Martin​​​​
It is the personal nature of experience, that is responsible for moral equality. Therefore you can’t compare it. And you can’t extinguish it (someone else’s) for your own benefit without committing the ultimate offense/crime. Because of the autonomous nature of an individual. They would have to give it. This is the status of of any individual with consciousness or the potential to resume consciousness.
I have to say this because some people think that they can divvy up other people’s consciousnesses, or be the judge of someone else’s value. --- Wayne Martin​​
When it comes to doing what is most ethical, it is not a matter of where do you draw the line on who matters, It’s a matter of what is practicable (in one’s own personal survival terms) That said, it is impossible to avoid all harm, almost everything we do harms individuals, from walking to gardening we harm individuals -- bugs. And although this "practicability" excuse only mitigates culpability and doesn't relinquish guilt, it is the best that we can do. Practicability, positioned on personal survivability itself, is positioned on favor --- it favors oneself over the other, and it still discriminates against and disrespects the other, but by in large, it is the best that we can do --- and still survive ourselves, and although it may sometimes still be personal choice, this is the, seemingly cold, way that Mother Nature usually works.
How should we go about animal protections? What we (humans in general) need to do is admit that they (non-human animals) are equal (to humans), acknowledge the unnecessary harms (the why), and then ask what to do about the how (of protections).
When people recognize the sole nature of experience, they are recognizing the equality among the consciousnesses of all animals, human and non-human.
We (humans) need to think when we feel the cognitive dissonance of sorts of taking actions that are not congruent with our values, and see the depth of the problem and the who that is involved. And then question and halt the habit/action that is in violation of our values.
How might we go about the legal protections of the potential victims? We need to start paying attention to violations, and the situations in which they occur, discover the solutions and the protections needed, and do what we need to implement them, systematically.
This concludes therefore, that any empathy means equal protections within practicability. Any empathy means that you acknowledge nonhuman animals as self evidently real, and join the consensus that they are individuals that matter, therefore equally. --- Wayne Martin
--- All animals, human and non-human, deserve nondiscrimination and respect by all those who recognize that there is the possession of a feeling consciousness by the other; and as an extension of this recognition, deserve to be afforded protection from those who don't, within the scope of practicability and natural law. --- Wayne Martin
The exploitative raising, breeding and killing of non-human animals is a direct violation of this principle.
Scientists have come to consensus and humans in majority recognize that non-human animals have a feeling consciousness and also know of the practicability of a plant-based diet.
One is guilty and moral culpability is strong when one knowingly and directly participates in the practice of exploitative raising, breeding and killing by enabling it through/by/with their purchases of non-human animal's body parts, unnecessarily (with recognition of the practicability of a plant-based diet).
In my opinion, fear, anger and greed can cause one to dismiss the value (inherent) of another (consciousness) and only see an animated object, despite knowledge to the contrary. I believe that this is one reason that there is so much violence towards non-human animals.
Also human beings pass things down to the next generation, and this violence of animal exploitation and animal consumption has become culturalized -- incentive of course being greed.
Practicability should be weighed in accordance with fairness. Total escape from guilt is an impossibility. --- Wayne Martin
Continue to the ANIMALS DESERVE RESPECT page.
Wherever there is a working brain there is consciousness, and wherever there is consciousness there is a person (a subject of a life).
And because of the solitary and personal nature of conscious experience, it demands equal respect.
​The question is, how can this be carried out, and what is it that is practicable?
And so, it's a question of practicability, although impracticability does not absolve one from guilt, or violations of respect.
The goal is to end all unnecessary harm.
As a part of mother nature we (humans) naturally care about individual lives. It is because we have empathy – a recognition of another, and compassion. Empathetic recognition is a KNOWLEDGE OF THE OTHER. And the compassion that is spoken of here, is for the difficulty that is inherent within the state of being alive, a natural love of sorts. Compassion means: The knowledge of the suffering of another accompanied by a desire to relieve it.
This (the knowing of the other) obligates the acknowledgement of moral relevance. And morality as a whole is about the protection of what is known and valued, a consciousness (being fair is in order to protect a consciousness). And within this “morality” there are moral rights (a right is a way of protecting an interest).
Other terms that we have as a result of this consciousness value is an Inherent Value (an end in itself), and Inherent Dignity (an inherent state of being, deserving respect). And this is what both moral rights and legal rights are built from, it’s the foundation, and it’s the basis for the need for equality.
Empathy, as a form of knowledge, is about the other as real, and compassion is about what is known to be valuable (as mother nature has commanded it so through us). Knowledge and compassion work well together. Carnivores most naturally, don’t have compassion for gazelles, yet we forgive them for they know not what they do.​ ---Wayne Martin
Wherever there is a brain, there is consciousness, and wherever there is a subjective consciousness, there is a subject of a life; a who, not an it.
Consciousness is an inherent value that we call an inherent state of being, deserving respect (inherent dignity). And the reason that we do that, is because we have empathy -- a recognition of another hardwired in the brain (via mirror neurons), along with compassion. And it is because of this value alone, because of its singular and personal nature, that anyone who has it, has it equally (such value and deservingness).
This state of being can only be respected by being afforded equal moral considerations and legal protections. A need for the legal protections of non-human animals comes from the human psychological recognition of the conscious state of non-human individuals, the potential for human disrespect of non-human individuals, and the potential for human disrespect of the mother nature that has created the human in this way.
The problem is that humans are currently, and thoughtlessly, taking actions that are disrespecting their own recognition of the consciousnesses of other animals. And then not inquiring into this counter-intuition and therefore not respecting their own recognition and values by not correcting their actions to respect such recognition (essentially denial). And so, as a consequence of this absurd thoughtlessness, egregious harms are being done to non-human individuals. ---Wayne Martin
[Species have evolved empathy for their own kind for the benefit of survival. Human beings have empathy for humans and non-humans too, and if human beings are to survive, humans must take absolute care of the non-humans that our earth is dependent upon. --Wayne Martin]
It is the solitary nature of consciousness, that is responsible for moral equality (the right to be respected). This is because of the fact that conscious individuals hold the capacity to experience dear and aspire for a pleasant life. Consciousness is an evolutionary means to an end. Therefore, one can’t extinguish someone else’s consciousness for their own benefit without committing the ultimate offense/crime. Because of the autonomous nature of an individual. They would have to give it. This is the status of any individual with consciousness or the potential to resume consciousness.
Also, consciousness is of a personal nature, and so one cannot compare consciousnesses​. I have to say this because some people think that they can divvy up other people’s consciousnesses or be the judge of someone else’s value.​ ---Wayne Martin​​
To say an animal matters less is to use an instrumental value as opposed to an inherent value (meaning someone who matters unto themselves).
We say something has inherent value when we know that there is a consciousness. And because we know and value the state of being conscious, having a sense of being, a subject of a life, mattering unto oneself we say that it deserves respect.
Equality means having a right to be respected because of this inherent value of mattering unto oneself.
Having this inherent value and equality (right to be respected) means inherent dignity. As, dignity literally means: a state of being deserving respect. And inherently so, as conscious beings matter unto themselves. ---Wayne Martin
The secret to humanity is to aspire away from greed and towards the golden rule: Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you.
The secret to recognizing animal equality is by recognizing that other animals' sense of being someone (sense of being a person) is the same as we humans have. And that this sense is a sense we all hold very dear. Call it what you want, a sense of being, consciousness, conscious experience, sentience, intrinsic dignity, inherent dignity, inherent value, a subject of a life, a person etc.. We value things that we recognize/know have this same state of being.
Consciousness exists singularly and therefore can only be respected singularly. ---Wayne Martin
When it comes to the implementation of human protections of non-humans and doing what is most ethical, I propose that it is not a matter of where do you draw the line on who matters, It's a matter of what is practicable (in one’s own personal survival terms) that matters.
When people recognize the sole nature of experience, they are recognizing the equality among the consciousnesses of all animals, human and non-human.
How should we go about animal protections? What we (humans in general) need to do is admit that they (non-human animals) are equal (to humans), acknowledge the unnecessary harms (the why), and then ask what to do about the how (of protections).​
We (humans) need to think when we feel the cognitive dissonance of sorts of taking actions that are not congruent with our values, and see the depth of the problem and the who that is involved. And then question and halt the habit/action that is in violation of our values.
How might we go about the legal protections of the potential victims? We need to start paying attention to violations, and the situations in which they occur, discover the solutions and the protections needed, and do what we need to implement them, systematically.
It is unnecessary to know the details of animal protections ahead of time, in order to know whether we need them because morals are what protections are built from and the reason why they are built. Morals come first.
However, we shouldn't need protections in the first place. But when people don't go by moral principle; the Golden Rule, the need arises.
This concludes therefore, that any empathy means equal protections within practicability. Any empathy means that you acknowledge nonhuman animals as self evidently real, and join the consensus that they are individuals that matter, therefore equally. ---Wayne Martin
--- All animals, human and non-human, deserve nondiscrimination and respect by all those who recognize that there is the possession of a feeling consciousness by the other; and as an extension of this recognition, deserve to be afforded protection from those who don't, within the scope of practicability and natural law. --- Wayne Martin
The exploitative raising, breeding, using and killing of non-human animals is a direct violation of this principle.
Scientists have come to consensus and humans in majority recognize that non-human animals have a feeling consciousness and also know of the practicability of a plant-based diet.
One is guilty and moral culpability is strong when one knowingly and directly participates in the practice of exploitative raising, breeding and killing by enabling it through/by/with their purchases of non-human animals' body parts, unnecessarily (with recognition of the practicability of a plant-based diet).
In my opinion, fear and terror can promote greed and that all of this can cause one to dismiss the value (inherent) of another (consciousness) and only see an animated object, despite knowledge to the contrary. Greed is responsible for the largest portion of unnecessary violence towards non-human animals, mostly because of unnecessary animal consumption. Fear, terror and greed aside; anger is undoubtedly responsible for a small portion of the violence.​​
Also, human beings pass things down to the next generation, and this violence of animal exploitation and animal consumption has also become enculturated -- incentive of course being greed.​
Total escape from guilt is an impossibility, the idea is that one should not do unnecessary harms (harms other than what is necessary for survival) to non-human animals. ---Wayne Martin
Continue to the Greed page HERE
visit the Resources page HERE
Visit the Inherent Dignity page HERE
"Along with your natural compassion, empathy (a recognition of another), is your guide, inspiration, and confirmation of success." --- W.M.
"The goal is to have active advocates/Educators in every city."